Psyche Centralized Server

The Psyche Centralized Server is responsible for hosting the coordinator and a data provider locally to enable testing the network and training a test model. The server requires a configuration file named state.toml to load the initial settings for the coordinator.

Command-Line Help for psyche-centralized-server

This document contains the help content for the psyche-centralized-server command-line program.

Command Overview:


Usage: psyche-centralized-server <COMMAND>

  • validate-config — Checks that the configuration declared in the state.toml file is valid
  • run — Starts the server and launches the coordinator with the declared configuration

psyche-centralized-server validate-config

Checks that the configuration declared in the state.toml file is valid

Usage: psyche-centralized-server validate-config [OPTIONS] --state <STATE>

  • --state <STATE> — Path to the state.toml file to validate
  • --data-config <DATA_CONFIG> — Path to data.toml file to validate. If no provided then it will not be checked

psyche-centralized-server run

Starts the server and launches the coordinator with the declared configuration

Usage: psyche-centralized-server run [OPTIONS] --state <STATE>

  • --state <STATE> — Path to TOML of Coordinator state

  • -s, --server-port <SERVER_PORT> — Port for the server, which clients will use to connect. if not specified, a random free port will be chosen

  • --tui <TUI>

    Default value: true

    Possible values: true, false

  • --data-config <DATA_CONFIG> — Path to TOML of data server config

  • --save-state-dir <SAVE_STATE_DIR> — Path to save the server and coordinator state

  • --init-warmup-time <INIT_WARMUP_TIME> — Sets the warmup time for the run. This overrides the warmup_time declared in the state file

  • --init-min-clients <INIT_MIN_CLIENTS> — Sets the minimum number of clients required to start a run. This overrides the min_clients declared in the state file

  • --withdraw-on-disconnect <WITHDRAW_ON_DISCONNECT> — Allows clients to withdraw if they need to disconnect from the run (this option has no effect in the centralized version)

    Default value: true

    Possible values: true, false

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